Breathing is the Master Key to Self-Healing – Wisdom from Dr. Weil

The health you enjoy today, and for the rest of your life,
begins with your next breath. In fact, breathing is so crucial to your body’s
ability to heal and sustain itself that Dr. Andrew Weil, integrative medicine pioneer,
says, “If I had to limit my advice on healthy living to just one tip, it would be simply
to learn how to breathe correctly”.

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Iyanla Vanzant – Re-Languaging Your Life . . . Advice that WORKS

What do Iyanla Vanzant and I have in common? Book titles that begin with the word, yesterday. Hers, Yesterday, I Cried ; mine, Yesterday When I Was Crazy: A Sacred Contract with Healing. There is common ground between us for sure. More importantly, there is some “good news” about healing in our hearts and on our minds. Thanks to Iyanla’s visionary work as a expert counselor, life coach and author of many books on the subject of healing, I was gifted with the idea of re-languaging. This golden strategy for self-healing released me from the bondage of negative programming and toxic self-talk. Oh was a relief it was to learn the sage advice that how I “language” my thoughts about my life and my health makes a monumental difference in my personal outcomes.

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Resurrection Season: What Does it Mean to Me?

Every Easter Sunday, I await with baited breath the dawn of Easter Monday when I will, at last, know my resurrection story for the season. Did I arise from the Lenten ashes in splendor? Or am I still waiting for IT to happen? Do I feel alive with the resurrected Christ? Or am I just fatigued from the decisions, disciplines and determination of constant self-review?

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Are You Already Angry?

Bloody Sunday, Selma USA, slave market, Charleston South Carolina, Michael Brown, Ferguson Missouri: these travesties denigrating human life in America keep us all in a perpetual state of anger. So no wonder we are stressed out and “hyped-up” all the time. Whether it is a sense of history on a bridge in Alabama or the tragic loss of a young black man’s life in 2014, the oneness of all mankind causes us to feel the pain of “man’s inhumanity” even when we don’t want to.

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I Didn’t Want It To End – A Book Review

I am someone who has always revered and appreciated the wisdom of elders. Thanks to the stunning commentary of nonagenarian, Edeston Leslie, I have a new glow in my heart about my memoir, Yesterday When I Was Crazy: A Sacred Contract with Healing. “Didn’t want it to end” . . . set my soul on fire when fellow poetess-healer, Janis Evans, shared her father’s kind words in a recent email:

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