The ION Television Network has a jewel in its crown, Bonnie McDaniel, host and producer of Metro Magazine . . . “positively the best way to start your morning”! Her signature tagline, “how good is that”, aptly describes my experience as a guest on her show.
Thanks to YouTube, this must-see conversation can be viewed over and over again. Our parallel stories bear witness to a divine sisterhood between like-minded women who care about issues that matter in the world. Kudos to Bonnie, who shines much needed light on “recipes for good living” that enhance our quality of life and our health.
Eating from your own garden . . . It doesn’t get any better than that! When it comes to nutrition, live food ROCKS, so says the sisterhood. Thanks Bonnie for the confirmation!
The Breath of Life was surely guiding our joy-filled stories of life lessons and the power of grace to inform our points of view and our journeys to God. High fives and laughter highlighted the “healing feeling” that bonded us as we explored the depths of our kindred spirits. I was delighted that a discussion of my new book, Yesterday When I Was Crazy: A Sacred Contract with Healing, would generate such enthusiasm and connection.
And there is more to come . . . so STAY TUNED to Metro Magazine for Bonnie’s interview featuring my ROCK STAR daughter, Sylver Logan Sharp, on Tuesday, March 24th. A mother-daughter duo twist spices up the morning desserts. Bonnie gets to the heart of our shared paths and our triumphs over the challenges of entrepreneurship born of our artistry and creative passions. Sylver’s new cd is about to hit the airwaves with exciting videos to bring it all to life! Can’t wait to spring intoThe Groovement! 2015 ROCKS!!!
NOW SHOWING on YouTube: Metro Magazine show#33, Enjoy! Please share your comments, Bless you!
Discover more about Bonnie McDaniel on her website,, a food and lifestyle magazine for the modern family –the good news about how to eat well, be well and thrive. In her own words, how good is that!
To follow my blogs and order my new book, log on to Yesterday When I Was Crazy: A Sacred Contract With Healing, available NOW on!